
My debut short story collection, 'See My Breath Dance Ghostly', is full of dark, uncanny tales and it's available now, published by Alien Buddha Press.

I also have a flash fiction collection, titled 'Connections'. The stories explore tiny moments and big feelings - looking at the connections we make as we move through life.

[NB: This book was signed by Naked Cat, who took people's money and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and betrayed trust. To try to salvage something from this crappy situation, I'm now selling the book as a PDF, instant download, for the price of a coffee.]

Further publications:
Lost Futures: Volume 3 'Meanwhile' - August 2021
The Emperor (print or PDF) Myth & Lore Zine: Issue 1 'Cryptids of the UK' - March 2022

Soor Ploom Press: 'Short and Sweet’ Anthology - July 2022 Chez Nous (print only) Beagle North: 'Connections' Short Story Contest - July 2022 (Second Prize) An Alignment (also available in print)

Myth & Lore Zine: Issue 2 'Fungus Among Us' - July 2022 Mycelium (print only) Bag of Bones Press: 'Well This is Tense' Contest - July 2022 (Joint Winner) Now You See It Clear (also available in print) Cape Magazine: Issue 4 'This is the End' - August 2022 20/20 Vision Stanchion Zine: Issue 8 - August 2022 Moments (print only) Spare Parts: Issue 2 - August 2022 The Dawn Parade Minison Zine: Issue 16 'Mythological Minison' - August 2022 Old Shuck Paragraph Planet - August 2022 How Time Travel Works Voidspace - August 2022 A Flood Will Come, He Says Lost Futures: Volume 4 'Thresholds' - September 2022 Crossing Under: Lancaster Circus Underpass (print only) Myth & Lore Zine: Issue 3 'Death, The Afterlife, and Beyond The Veil' - September 2022 Her Last Song (print only) ForwardOrDie - September 2022 FW: Open and read Ellipsis Zine: Issue 12 'Wade and Other Myths, Legends, and Fairytales' - October 2022 The Dark Wood Cold (print and PDF) The Ghastling: Book No. 16 - October 2022 Do Not Read (print only) Twin Pies Literary: Volume 9 - October 2022 Dawn Chorus Alice Says Go Fuck Yourself: Issue 1 - November 2022 Parts Long on Words, Short on Ideas, or The Ecstasy of Saint Romuald of Ravenna and the Perfect Paralysis Wrought by Man's Infinite Capacity for Recursive Thought Cutbow Quarterly: Issue 2 - December 2022 I Fell In Love With A Box (print and PDF) Voidspace Zine: ‘Pick A Word’ - December 2022 Observations On The Adaptability Of Hardy Crops In Unseasonable Conditions Alien Buddha Press: ‘Microdoses’ - January 2023 My Secret Music (print only) Voidspace Zine: Issue 5 - January 2023 You Have a Question Wicked Shadow Press: ‘Flash of the Dead’ Anthology - February 2023 Hobgob (also available in PDF) Roi Fainéant Press - February 2023 Vertical Video Voidspace Zine: Word Art - March 2023 The Map of Me Raw Lit: Issue 1 - March 2023 Bake Your Hate Into A Cake

Janus Literary: Issue 11 - March 2023 Whiskertense and Bristlefur Electric, We Prowl This story was featured on the 'Mr Bear's Violet Hour' podcast, listen here. Lucent Dreaming: Issue 12 - April 2023 Automaton (print and PDF)

Sage Cigarettes - April 2023 We Dream of David Lynch's Hair

Shortwave Magazine - April 2023 Seas of Static Between Stations

Voidspace Zine: Issue 6 - April 2023 Volunteers Required

Spare Parts Literary: Issue 6 - April 2023 Almost as Much as She Wants to See You Fly

50-Word Stories - April 2023 Rewilding

The Quiet Ones: Vol. 2 Issue 1 - April 2023 The Faceless Princess

Minison Zine - April 2023

Olney Magazine: Issue 5 - May 2023 For A While There, We Were Weightless (print only)

Paragraph Planet - May 2023 Perfect Man

Divinations Magazine: Issue 1 - May 2023 A Turn of the Cards

Free Flash Fiction - May 2023 As the Halo Faded, So Did the Ghosts of Us

Bleach! - June 2023 It Had To Be Shouted on Fox News (after Allen Ginsberg)

Audience Askew - July 2023 Persistent Intimations of a Hidden World (print or digital)

Cutbow Quarterly: Issue 4 - July 2023 Infinite Lives (print and PDF)

Acid Bath Publishing: Pocket Anthology of Addiction and Recovery - July 2023 Leaves and Ashes (print only) MONO - July 2023 That Cheeky Cunt (also in print) The Deeps: Issue 1 - July 2023 Stranger Than Shitty Sheets and Rubber Ding-Dongs (also as PDF/ebook)

Invisible City: Digbeth Stories Anthology - July 2023 Digbeth Burns (print only)

Flashes of Nightmare Anthology - July 2023 How Do They Sleep at Night? (print only) A Delusion of Doubles (print only)

Cutbow Quarterly: Issue 5 - September 2023 Smiling Hate (print and PDF)

Mythic Picnic: Issue 9 - September 2023 The Helmet of Knowing

Wrong Publications: You Took The Wrong Turn Anthology - October 2023 The Greys (print and PDF)

DarkWinter Lit - November 2023 Like a Different Species

Cloister Fox: Issue 4 Roots - November 2023 Men o' the Sea (print only)

Hoax Magazine - November 2023 It Had To Be Shouted On Fox News (after Allen Ginsberg) [Reprint]

Solar Press Horror Anthology - December 2023 The Scissorman (print only)

Voidspace Zine: Imagined Cities - December 2023 Monuments of Splendour

Urban Pigs - December 2023 Out of Sight. Out of Mind

Wrong Publishing Blog - January 2024 Increase Your Literary Body Count in 2024

Frisson Anthology - February 2024 The Man Who Flayed Me

Urban Pigs Press Hunger Anthology - March 2024 This Tender Monster

Punk Noir Magazine - April 2024
The Rejuvenation Business

Punk Noir Magazine - May 2024
His Gilded Whispers

Voidspace: Gallery of Very Small Things - June 2024
A .22 calibre rifle round [believed to be the bullet that killed Foster White, better known as Mr Mesmo]

Roi Faineant - July 2024
The Neighbourhood Watch

Winged Moon: Ancient Issue - July 2024
'You Were Here' (also in print)

Short Scares Charity Anthology - August 2025
The Gift [also available as an Ebook]

Suburban Witchcraft Magazine (Forthcoming)

Exposed Bone (Forthcoming)
Soneillon (2023) [Transcript of Claire's Scares, October 23rd, 2023]

Genrepunk Magazine (Forthcoming)

Neither Fish Nor Foul (Forthcoming)
A Cursor In Space

Black Glass Pages (Forthcoming)
That'll Be The Day

DarkWinter Press (Forthcoming, January 2025)
Dantalion is a Quiet Place