
A photo of MatGost.
Mathew Gostelow is an author living in Birmingham, UK. 

His CV is a chaotic patchwork quilt of journalism, pheasant farming, catering, and marketing. His taste in art, music, film, and literature is equally eclectic, although he tends to gravitate towards anything with a creepy, dreamy aesthetic. 

If you catch Mat staring intently into the middle distance, odds are he will either be thinking about Twin Peaks or cooked breakfasts. Some mornings he wakes early and writes strange tales. 

Mat has published two books: a collection of speculative short stories called See My Breath Dance Ghostly (Alien Buddha Press) and Connections, a flash fiction chapbook (Naked Cat Publishing - now defunct). He has been longlisted for the Welkin Prize, and nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best Microfiction.

You can find Mat on Twitter, @MatGost, and BlueSky, @MatGost, or you can get in touch by email.

Links to his books and social profiles are all collected here. Mat was profiled on the Ginger Nuts of Horror blog in 2023, and you can read the interview here. He was also interviewed by Urban Pigs Press, ahead of the release of their charity anthology Hunger. You can read that piece here.

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